Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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30 Working with templates > 30.7 Applying FrameMaker conversion templates > 30.7.5 Troubleshooting template import problems

30.7.5 Troubleshooting template import problems

If it looks as though your FrameMaker template is not being applied, the problem could be one of the following:

Wrong path to the template file

Missing or incorrect option

Incorrect flag number

Template file problem.

Wrong path to the template file

The path to the template file might be wrong, resulting in an incorrect value for [Setup]TemplateFileName; or the value might specify a relative path. Unless the template file is in the same directory as the document you are converting, you must specify an absolute path.

Missing or incorrect option

Your configuration file might be missing a setting for [Setup]ApplyTemplateFile, or this option might be set to No instead of Yes.

Incorrect flag number

The value of [Setup]AppliedTemplateFlags might be incorrect, resulting in Mif2Go importing the wrong set of formats from the template file.

Template file problem

The template file itself might contain errors that prevent Mif2Go from opening it, such as a missing-font error.

See §30.7.1 Specifying conversion-template settings.


30 Working with templates > 30.7 Applying FrameMaker conversion templates > 30.7.5 Troubleshooting template import problems