Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go


30 Working with templates > 30.3 Including document-specific configuration files > 30.3.3 Deciding where to keep document-specific configuration files

30.3.3 Deciding where to keep document-specific configuration files

You can establish a default location for configuration files that contain settings that apply to all conversion projects for a particular FrameMaker document; for example, settings that name the document itself, or that reference values that occur only in that document. You can use a different location for each source document, and you can change the location for each project. Choose a default that applies to most of your projects, depending on which of several possible scenarios is most likely:

Single output type per document

Multiple output types per document

Multiple documents per output type

Configurations shared on a network

Lone writer

Need for portability.

Single output type per document

If you expect to produce only one output type from each FrameMaker document, and no one else will be working on the same document, you really do not need a document-specific configuration file at all; your project configuration file can include all the needed settings.the best place is a location relative to your FrameMaker document files; the default location is a directory named _config, parallel to your project directory.

Multiple output types per document

If you expect to produce more than one output type from each FrameMaker document, choose a location relative to your FrameMaker document files; the default location is a directory named _config, parallel to your project directory.

Multiple documents per output type

If you expect to produce the same output type from multiple source documents, you might want to keep source-specific configuration files for all documents in the same directory tree, for easy comparison; this would be a reason to choose a location central to all your Mif2Go projects such as the directory provided in your distribution, %OMSYSHOME%\m2g\document.

Configurations shared on a network

If %OMSYSHOME% is located on a network drive (not advisable), and more than one person will need to access document-specific settings for the same document, you might want to choose a location central to all your Mif2Go projects.

Lone writer

If you are the only person working on your projects, a location central to all your Mif2Go projects is probably easier: you have all the document-specific configuration files in one area, and if you want to see how you did something in another project, you can easily find the configuration file for that project.

Need for portability

If you need to be able to move entire projects from one machine to another, or if you might have to pack up a project and send it to someone else, choose a location relative to your FrameMaker document files.

30 Working with templates > 30.3 Including document-specific configuration files > 30.3.3 Deciding where to keep document-specific configuration files