Specifying FrameMaker file paths: runfm -book, -doc options
When you use the -book and -doc options, if you specify a book or a document or both, you must use full absolute paths to the book and document files, even if you invoke runfm from the same directory where those files are located. If either path contains any spaces, enclose the path in quotes.
When you use the -book option or the -doc option without specifying any value at all for path/to/yourbook.book or path/to/yourdoc.fm, runfm uses whatever book or document is already active in FrameMaker, if any.
If you are updating a file in a book and you specify a project listed in bookname.prj (see §36.4.2 Identifying your Mif2Go project), use both -book and -doc options. When you supply values for both -book and -doc, runfm opens both, book first.
If you specify -doc but not -book, and a book that contains the specified document file is also open in FrameMaker, Mif2Go treats the document conversion as an update to the corresponding book project. So if you really want the document to be standalone, make sure you first close any book that contains it.
If you execute a series of runfm commands without -close on the same book or document, you do not have to repeat the -book or -doc option after the first command; see §36.5.6 Running a series of Mif2Go conversions. As long as runfm does not close FrameMaker or open a new book or document, the previous book or document is still active.
§36.4.2 Identifying your Mif2Go project
§36.4.4 Closing FrameMaker files after conversion
§36.5.6 Running a series of Mif2Go conversions
> 36 Converting via runfm > 36.4 Using runfm for Mif2Go conversions > 36.4.1 Locating FrameMaker executable and files > Specifying FrameMaker file paths: runfm -book, -doc options