Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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36 Converting via runfm > 36.4 Using runfm for Mif2Go conversions > 36.4.4 Closing FrameMaker files after conversion

36.4.4 Closing FrameMaker files after conversion

If you specify -close doc, runfm closes the document file after the conversion is finished; if you specify -close book, runfm closes the book file. Specify both to close both; FrameMaker remains open, unless you specify -close all.

Just as when you run Mif2Go interactively, when runfm finishes, files that Mif2Go opens during conversion (other than files specified by runfm options) are closed without saving changes. A book or document file that is already open and active in FrameMaker when runfm starts (or is specified by the -book or -doc option) is either closed without saving or remains open in FrameMaker, depending on the -close option.

If you are using runfm on the same system as FrameMaker, when you specify -close all, runfm appends the contents of the FrameMaker console window to the file specified by the -log option, before closing FrameMaker; see §36.5.2 Capturing console diagnostics: runfm -log option.

If you are using runfm across a network, runfm does not append console messages to a log file when you specify -close all; see §36.7 Operating runfm across a network.

If you do not specify -close all, FrameMaker remains open after runfm finishes.

See also:

§36.5.2 Capturing console diagnostics: runfm -log option

§36.7 Operating runfm across a network

36 Converting via runfm > 36.4 Using runfm for Mif2Go conversions > 36.4.4 Closing FrameMaker files after conversion