Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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6 Converting to print RTF > 6.14 Managing graphics for print RTF > 6.14.1 Understanding graphics requirements for Word

6.14.1 Understanding graphics requirements for Word

To produce properly scaled images in Word at the best resolution, you need BMP (for bitmap) or WMF (for vector) versions of the images in your FrameMaker document. Word allows images to be scaled (to match their sizes in FrameMaker) only if the images are embedded as WMFs. Only WMF or BMP images can be embedded as WMFs in Word. Mif2Go wraps BMPs in WMFs for scaling purposes.

This is the only way to set the image scale and position in RTF.

Therefore, even though you can insert other types of graphics into a Word document, images to be transferred from your FrameMaker document (or substituted for the images in your FrameMaker document) must be in either BMP or WMF format. Also, Word requires a viewable WMF of each image to be present in the document file, even if you “link” to the image.

Because Microsoft tinkers with the poorly documented WMF format, if your graphics do not embed correctly, you might have to make do with referencing them in Word via INCLUDEPICTURE field. See §6.14.10 Linking instead of embedding referenced graphics

Mif2Go processes directly the following types of images in your FrameMaker document:

referenced or embedded WMF or BMP images that are alone in their anchored frames (without callouts or other added elements)

embedded FrameImage graphics

vector images created with FrameMaker drawing tools.

Other images that are not WMF or BMP must be converted; the method depends on how the images are included in your FrameMaker document:

Referenced graphics

Embedded graphics

Or, you can supply WMF or BMP equivalents for those images; see § Substituting graphics files for RTF.

Use WMF only for vector images

The bitmap part of each image must be in BMP format; use WMF only for real vector graphics, not for bitmaps. Converting bitmap graphics to WMF increases processing time dramatically, because Mif2Go has to take each such WMF graphic apart and adjust many settings before embedding the image.

Referenced graphics

If your FrameMaker document references graphics that are neither BMP nor WMF, you must provide BMP or WMF replacements for the graphics files; see §6.14.2 Converting referenced graphics.

For referenced graphics in other formats, Mif2Go puts each image file name in a Word INCLUDEPICTURE field. What Word does with these images depends on which version of Word is used to view the images. Because Word provides no way to specify scaling in an INCLUDEPICTURE field, images in formats other than BMP or WMF are seldom the proper size, unless they were included in FrameMaker at 96 DPI; see § Leaving graphics unconverted for Word (no scaling), and §6.14.12 Updating fields in Word to show linked graphics.

Embedded graphics

If your FrameMaker document includes embedded graphics that are neither BMP nor WMF, by default Mif2Go exports those graphics and saves them as external graphics files. See §6.14.3 Converting embedded graphics.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.14 Managing graphics for print RTF > 6.14.1 Understanding graphics requirements for Word