Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.9 Jumping to secondary windows in OmniHelp

10.9 Jumping to secondary windows in OmniHelp

To create a jump to a secondary window in OmniHelp, assign the window name to a character or paragraph format. For example:


; doc format = name of secondary window to use for jumps from

; within the span marked by this style (same as WinHelp usage).

PopWindow=popup, 400, 200


ProcWin2=proc, 400, 600, menubar=1,titlebar=1,scrollbars=1

Window parameters

After the window name you can specify optional comma-separated parameters. The first is width in pixels, the second height in pixels, and the third a list of properties to pass to the JavaScript function. The JavaScript properties are also comma-separated, but unlike the size parameters, JavaScript parameters cannot have spaces between them; see a JavaScript reference for acceptable values.

Pop-up windows

The window name popup is reserved for specifying pop-ups, and results in a fresh pop-up window every time. In OmniHelp, a pop-up window persists until you close it; the window does not close when you click inside the pop-up (or click elsewhere), as is the case for pop-ups in other Help systems.

Links from secondary windows

To cause a link from a secondary window to bring up a new topic in the original topic window (rather than in the secondary window itself), assign reserved window name main to the hotspot format. For example:


Popup=popup, 300, 100

Link2FigWin=figure, 400, 200


In this example, a regular topic has cross-reference links to a pop-up window and to a secondary window:

To link to the pop-up topic, character format Popup is applied to a hotspot.

To link to the figure, character format Link2FigWin is applied to a hotspot.

In the pop-up topic, character format Link2Main is applied to a hotspot for a cross-reference link to a regular topic.

Note:  Not all browsers honor the parameters you specify for a pop-up window.

See also:

§7.7 Jumping to secondary windows in Help systems

§7.8 Creating pop-up topics for Help systems

10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.9 Jumping to secondary windows in OmniHelp