Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.8 Providing related-topic links in OmniHelp

10.8 Providing related-topic links in OmniHelp

OmniHelp supports ALink keyword targets and jumps, ALink keyword pools, and KLink jumps to index-link lists. An ALink keyword target or jump can specify multiple ALink keywords, separated by semicolons. An ALink keyword can consist of more than one word; spaces are allowed, but no other punctuation. ALink list links always go to the beginning of a topic; KLink list links should go to the paragraph with the corresponding index marker, just like index entries.

See §7.6 Providing related-topic links for Help systems for ways to include ALink targets and jumps and KLink jumps in your OmniHelp project.

If you include the related-topics feature when you generate OmniHelp (see §10.6 Choosing navigation features for OmniHelp), the left navigation pane shows a Related tab. When you click an ALink jump hotspot (or click the Related tab), OmniHelp automatically switches the left navigation pane to the Related tab, and displays a list of links to all other topics to which any of the same ALink keywords are assigned.

You can set up your OmniHelp project to also display a list of the ALink keywords assigned to the topic (via marker or paragraph format) or specified in an ALink jump within the topic:


; ShowSubjects = No (default, do not show subjects for ALinks) or Yes


The keywords are listed under Subjects in the space above the related-topic links.

You can determine whether ALinks go to the beginning of the referenced topic file, or to the beginning of the paragraph that contains the ALink keyword. The default is the beginning of the topic file:


; ALinkRefs = File (default) or Para (start of containing para)

ALinkRefs = File

See also:

§7.6.2 Understanding how ALinks work

§7.6.4 Adding related-topic link keywords in FrameMaker

§7.6.5 Adding ALink and KLink jumps in FrameMaker

§7.6.6 Creating target-and-jump ALinks for HTML-based Help

10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.8 Providing related-topic links in OmniHelp