Understanding how browse macros employ macro variables
The definition of each browse macro includes predefined macro variables for a destination for the link and for a label. Table 20-3 shows the default values of the link destination and link label used in <$_prev> and <$_next> for each file position.
Table 20-3 Default destination and label values for browse macros
First file split from: |
Last file split from: |
Table 20-4 shows the meanings of the macro variables used in browse-macro definitions.
Table 20-4 Component macro variables for browse macros
Title of current split file (the one used in HTML <title> element) |
See §18.6 Referencing split and extract files for additional macro variables that refer to file names and titles of split and extracted files.
> 20 Providing navigation in HTML > 20.4 Creating a browse sequence > 20.4.1 Understanding how browse macros work > Understanding how browse macros employ macro variables