Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

A WAI marker library for HTML > A.4 Link markers

A.4 Link markers

Table A-4 lists the marker types you can use for links. The T column contains an example of each link marker.

Table A-4 Special marker types for WAI link attributes


marker type


HTML attribute

Valid content



Set link display properties in CSS


CSS class name



Descriptive title for link destination


Any text

If you give a link the title attribute, the content of the attribute is displayed when mousing over the link, instead of the content of the href attribute. A LinkTitle marker is here, and it applies to the link to §A WAI marker library for HTML.


A WAI marker library for HTML > A.4 Link markers