Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.7 Mapping fonts > 21.7.2 Remapping fonts

21.7.2 Remapping fonts

You can remap the fonts used in your FrameMaker document; for example:


; Document font name = HTML font name (comma-delimited list allowed)

Helvetica = Arial,MSSansSerif

Myria* = Arial

NewCenturySchlbk = Times

Century Schoolbook = Times

You can use wildcards to change all font names that share a base name. This is helpful with multiple-master fonts, where you might have many very long names.

See also:

§22.8.1 Assigning a CSS generic font family

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.7 Mapping fonts > 21.7.2 Remapping fonts