22.8.1 Assigning a CSS generic font family
Mif2Go cannot automatically assign the CSS generic-family property to every font used in your document, because there are five possible font families and a huge number of possible fonts. However, you can assign a generic font family to each of the fonts used in your FrameMaker formats. For example:
; Document font name = HTML font name (comma-delimited list allowed)
Arial = arial, helvetica, sans-serif
Century = "new century schoolbook", serif
Courier New = "courier new", courier, monospace
If an assigned font name contains spaces, surround the name with double quotes.
The generic-family values are serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, and fantasy. Specify fantasy for Symbol and WingDing fonts.
> 22 Setting up CSS for HTML > 22.8 Customizing CSS properties > 22.8.1 Assigning a CSS generic font family