Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

24 Converting tables to HTML > 24.4 Specifying table attributes > 24.4.7 Eliminating automatically generated attributes

24.4.7 Eliminating automatically generated attributes

Mif2Go automatically generates the following attributes for tables in HTML (but not XML), based in part on properties of the tables in your FrameMaker document:

border, cellspacing, cellpadding

align, valign


You might not want these automatically generated attributes in HTML output, especially if you are using CSS to control table appearance.

To exclude automatically generated attributes from HTML output, while preserving any of the same attributes you specify explicitly in the configuration file or in markers:


; TableAttributes = Yes (default for HTML) or No (default for XML)


; CellAlignAttributes = Yes (default for HTML) or No (default for XML)


; CellColorAttributes = Yes (default for HTML) or No (default for XML)


border, cellspacing, cellpadding

When TableAttributes=No, automatically generated border, cellspacing, and cellpadding attributes are excluded from HTML output; see § Excluding border, cellspacing, and cellpadding attributes.

align, valign

When CellAlignAttributes=No, automatically generated align and valign attributes based on FrameMaker table properties are excluded from HTML output.


When CellColorAttributes=No, automatically generated bgcolor attributes based on FrameMaker table properties are excluded from HTML output.

Excluded from XML output

If you are generating XML, by default Mif2Go excludes these automatically generated attributes; however, Mif2Go still includes any of these attributes that you specify explicitly in markers or in either of the following sections:

[Attributes]; see §24.4.1 Specifying attributes for all tables)

[TableAttributes]; see §24.4.2 Overriding attributes for selected tables.

See §14.2 Setting up a generic XML project and §14.4.3 Eliminating HTML attributes and tags for generic XML.

24 Converting tables to HTML > 24.4 Specifying table attributes > 24.4.7 Eliminating automatically generated attributes