Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

19 Creating HTML links > 19.5 Converting FrameMaker links to HTML > 19.5.3 Including ObjectID anchors as link targets

19.5.3 Including ObjectID anchors as link targets

When FrameMaker generates a TOC, IX, or other list or index, and you check the box to request hypertext links, FrameMaker inserts jumps to the referenced items, using their ObjectIDs as targets. By default, Mif2Go includes in HTML output an anchor for every FrameMaker ObjectID, for references from the TOC and IX; and also includes the ObjectIDs of all tables and anchored frames. See §5.3.1 Understanding how Mif2Go creates identifiers.

To specify whether Mif2Go should include in HTML output all, a subset, or none of the ObjectIDs from your FrameMaker document:


; ObjectIDs = All (default), Referenced, or None

Values for ObjectIDs have the following effects:



An anchor is created for every ObjectID in your document.


Anchors are created only for ObjectIDs that appear to be referenced in your document.


Anchors for ObjectIDs are not included in HTML output.

When is a default value not the default?

ObjectIDs=All is the default value, provided your configuration file has no setting at all for ObjectIDs. However, when generating a new configuration file at set-up time, Mif2Go specifies ObjectIDs=All only for HTML-based Help formats, and specifies ObjectIDs=Referenced for all other formats.

See §4.3 Understanding where project settings come from.


Keeping all ObjectIDs in the output can result in significant HTML bloat from all the <a name="xnnnnn..."></a> tags. However, you need this setting if you are converting a FrameMaker-generated index to HTML-based Help and you use the following option:



See §7.5.8 Specifying index link destinations for HTML-based Help.


Although ObjectIDs=Referenced reduces anchor bloat in the output, there are other considerations if you are converting either of the following to HTML-based Help:

FrameMaker-generated TOC

FrameMaker-generated IX

FrameMaker-generated TOC

When you specify ObjectIDs=Referenced, you must tell Mif2Go which paragraph formats are referenced from the TOC. Assign the Contents property to each TOC-referenced paragraph format, along with any other properties needed. For example:


; Contents (when ObjectIDs=Referenced) causes the ObjectID to be

;  retained so that FM-generated links from the TOC will work

heading 1=Contents Split Title

heading 2=Contents

See §7.4.3 Including contents entries in HTML-based Help.

FrameMaker-generated IX

When you specify ObjectIDs=Referenced, you might lose index links if you also set [Index]KeywordRefs=Para. See §7.5.8 Specifying index link destinations for HTML-based Help and § Including paragraph references.


ObjectIDs=None disables several features, such as file-splitting, that require ObjectIDs. Therefore, this property is deprecated: do not specify ObjectIDs=None. See §18 Splitting and extracting files.

19 Creating HTML links > 19.5 Converting FrameMaker links to HTML > 19.5.3 Including ObjectID anchors as link targets