22.7.10 Omitting tags from CSS selectors
By default, for HTML output Mif2Go writes CSS selectors as class names prefixed with the element tag.
To have Mif2Go write CSS selectors as just class names with no tag prefix:
SelectorIncludesTag = Yes (default for HTML output) or No
; (omit element tag prefix, default for DITA and DocBook output)
When SelectorIncludesTag=Yes, CSS selectors consist of the element tag name followed by a period followed by the class name; for example, h1.heading1. This is the default for HTML and XHTML output.
When SelectorIncludesTag=No, CSS selectors do not have an element tag as a prefix; for example, heading1. This is the default for DITA and DocBook output.
> 22 Setting up CSS for HTML > 22.7 Assigning CSS classes > 22.7.10 Omitting tags from CSS selectors