Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

22 Setting up CSS for HTML > 22.7 Assigning CSS classes > 22.7.9 Using CSS class names as tags for XML

22.7.9 Using CSS class names as tags for XML

By default, CSS class names become XML tags in XML output:


; ClassIsTag = No (default for HTML/XHTML)

;  or Yes (default for Generic XML)

When ClassIsTag=Yes, class names, including those you assign to formats in the [ParaTags] and [CharTags] sections, become XML tags. If ClassIsTag=Yes, also specify [CSS]WriteClassAttributes=No; see §22.4.2 Specifying CSS options in a Mif2Go configuration file.

When ClassIsTag=No, HTML tags and class names are assigned as described in §22.7.2 Mapping paragraph formats to CSS classes and §22.7.3 Mapping character formats to tags or span classes.

For example, suppose your FrameMaker document includes catalogued paragraph formats Chap_Title, SubHead, Fig, and Body, with the first two assigned HTML tags and the third assigned a class in [ParaTags]. Mif2Go would treat these formats as follows: 


FM format


ClassIsTag = No

ClassIsTag = Yes



<h1 class="chaptitle">




<h2 class="subhead">



Fig= class="caption"

<p class="caption"



(no setting)

<p class="body">


22 Setting up CSS for HTML > 22.7 Assigning CSS classes > 22.7.9 Using CSS class names as tags for XML