Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

7 Producing on-line Help > 7.10 Setting up Context Sensitive Help (CSH) > 7.10.2 Specifying CSH mappings

7.10.2 Specifying CSH mappings

To provide CSH when Mif2Go generates Help files for your project:

1. Give each target topic a TopicAlias marker that contains a symbolic ID.
In your FrameMaker document, insert a TopicAlias marker in each topic that will be the target of a call from the application program. The content of the marker is the symbolic ID for the topic. Insert a separate TopicAlias marker with a unique symbolic ID for each call from the application. Put the marker at the start of the text you want displayed. To insert a TopicAlias marker, see§34.1.2 Using markers to add links and instructions.

2. Create or obtain a map file (possibly except JavaHelp and Oracle Help for Java; see §11.12 Setting up CSH for JavaHelp or Oracle Help).

3. Specify prefixes that identify CSH links (HTML Help or OmniHelp).
List topic-name prefixes in the configuration file, to identify TopicAlias markers intended for CSH use. If you do not specify any prefixes, all TopicAlias markers are included.

4. Map the appropriate application-provided number to each symbolic ID.
For C/C++ applications, usually the developer provides a map file. If not, for WinHelp or HTML Help you can use a simple syntax described in the Help provided for those Help systems. Otherwise, for each Help call in the program, add a line of the following form to the map file:

#define symbolic_ID numeric_ID

You cannot map multiple numeric IDs to the same symbolic ID; each entry in the map file must specify a different symbolic ID. If you need CSH links to the same Help topic from more than one point in the application, include in the topic a separate TopicAlias marker with a unique symbolic ID for each such Help call.

5. Add a map-file entry to the Help project file (WinHelp or HTML Help).
In the [MAP] section of the Help project file (MyDoc.hpj or MyDoc.hhp), add a line of the following form to identify the map file:

#include MapFileName.h

Mif2Go creates a CSH link destination from each TopicAlias marker whose name starts with one of the prefixes you specified in Step 3, or all the TopicAlias markers if you did not specify any prefixes. Make sure the symbolic IDs in the TopicAlias markers are spelled the same way as in the map file.

By default, Mif2Go removes punctuation and spaces from the TopicAlias marker content. If your HTML-based Help system requires CSH IDs that use characters such as periods, set the following option:


; UseRawNewlinks = No (default, remove punctuation, spaces)

;  or Yes (as is)


7 Producing on-line Help > 7.10 Setting up Context Sensitive Help (CSH) > 7.10.2 Specifying CSH mappings