Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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7 Producing on-line Help > 7.9 Including expandable sections in Help topics > 7.9.5 Configuring drop-down blocks

7.9.5 Configuring drop-down blocks

To specify whether clicking inside an open drop-down block should close the block:


; ClickBlockToClose = Yes (default)

;  or No (use if any links inside block)

ClickBlockToClose = Yes

If any of your drop-down blocks contain links, set ClickBlockToClose=No.

To change the code for creating drop-down blocks, include the following settings to redefine the built-in macros:


DropBlockStart = <div class="<$DropClass>" id="<$$_DropID>"
  style="display:none;" <$DropDivAttr>>\n

; If ClickBlockToClose=No, this is omitted:

DropDivAttr = onclick="noSection('<$$_DropID>')"

DropBlockEnd = </div>\n

Each setting must be all on one line in your configuration file, even if it does not look that way here. Ordinarily you should not need to include these settings.

7 Producing on-line Help > 7.9 Including expandable sections in Help topics > 7.9.5 Configuring drop-down blocks