Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

7 Producing on-line Help > 7.9 Including expandable sections in Help topics

7.9 Including expandable sections in Help topics

For OmniHelp and HTML Help (and for HTML and XHTML), you can use a combination of JavaScript and Mif2Go macros to create one or more expandable drop-down sections in a topic.

In this section:

§7.9.1 Understanding Mif2Go expandable drop-down sections

§7.9.2 Setting up expandable sections for your document

§7.9.3 Delimiting expandable drop-down sections

§7.9.4 Configuring drop-down links

§7.9.5 Configuring drop-down blocks

§7.9.6 Providing CSS for drop-down links and blocks

§7.9.7 Deploying JavaScript code for drop-down sections

§7.9.8 Emulating Web Works Publisher drop-down hotspots

7 Producing on-line Help > 7.9 Including expandable sections in Help topics