Delimiting drop-down links and blocks with markers
You can use Code markers to surround drop-down links and expandable blocks with built-in Mif2Go macro code.
To delimit links and blocks with Code markers, place a Code marker in each of the following places, with the indicated content:
• At the beginning of the link paragraph before any text, with content that depends on the type of drop-down link:
(See § Specifying the type of link for drop-down sections.)
• At the end of the link paragraph, after any text:
• In a dedicated paragraph before the block:
• In a dedicated paragraph after the block:
The macros for a drop-down block must be outside any paragraph tags. Put the Code markers in otherwise empty paragraphs of their own, just before the first block paragraph and just after the last block paragraph. Use a dedicated paragraph format for the markers, and assign the following property to the format:
See §21.3.6 Stripping paragraph properties.
> 7 Producing on-line Help > 7.9 Including expandable sections in Help topics > 7.9.3 Delimiting expandable drop-down sections > Delimiting drop-down links and blocks with markers