Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

7 Producing on-line Help > 7.3 Producing contents and index for Help systems > 7.3.4 Modifying contents or index production for HTML-based Help > Maintaining the list file when the book file changes Maintaining the list file when the book file changes

For HTML-based Help, if you add a FrameMaker file to a book, or remove a file from a book, you must update MyDoc.lst (see §7.3.1 Understanding how Mif2Go produces contents and index). You can do this either of the following ways:

rerun Mif2Go on the entire book

use a text editor to add/remove file names, and rerun Mif2Go on added files.

If you delete MyDoc.lst, then generate output from individual chapter files, Mif2Go does not update the final contents or index. Final contents and index are not updated until you either convert the whole book or recreate MyDoc.lst some other way.

7 Producing on-line Help > 7.3 Producing contents and index for Help systems > 7.3.4 Modifying contents or index production for HTML-based Help > Maintaining the list file when the book file changes