Choosing contents and index methods for HTML-based Help
To specify whether contents, index, or both should be generated for HTML-based Help:
; ListType (for filter to create) = Both (default), Contents, or Index
To specify how contents and/or index should be generated for HTML-based Help, depending on the value of ListType:
; RefFileType = Full, Body, or None
RefFileType values have the following effects:
You might set RefFileType=None if you are repeatedly re-running a conversion to tune something in text, and you do not want the (small) overhead of writing out the contents and index information every time.
Note: If you set RefFileType=Full when you are converting a FrameMaker book, you will get contents and index entries only for the last chapter file in the book.
For HTML Help, you can specify one additional value for RefFileType. See §9.9.1 Choosing how to generate HTML Help contents and index.
For OmniHelp, whether contents and index are displayed (as opposed to generated) is determined by another setting; see §10.6 Choosing navigation features for OmniHelp
For Eclipse Help, the default value of RefFileType is Full, regardless of whether you are converting a FrameMaker book or a single-file document. See §12.4.1 Choosing contents and index methods for Eclipse Help.
> 7 Producing on-line Help > 7.3 Producing contents and index for Help systems > 7.3.4 Modifying contents or index production for HTML-based Help > Choosing contents and index methods for HTML-based Help