12.3.2 Specifying Eclipse Help plug-in properties
The properties described here appear either as attributes of the <plugin> element in plugin.xml or as values of entries in MANIFEST.MF, depending on the setting for UseManifest (see §12.3.1 Specifying a Java manifest file for Eclipse Help):
Table 12-2: Eclipse Help properties in either MANIFEST.MF or plugin.xml
To specify a title for your Eclipse Help plug-in:
; PluginName = text used in <plugin> or manifest for name attribute
PluginName = Mif2Go Eclipse Help
In MANIFEST.MF, this title becomes the Bundle-Name value. The default value is the base name of your FrameMaker book or document.
; PluginID = text used in <plugin> or manifest for id attribute
The plug-in ID identifies your plug-in to other components of the Eclipse Platform. In MANIFEST.MF, this ID becomes the Bundle-SymbolicName value. The default value is com.mif2go.help.
To specify the plug-in provider:
; PluginProvider = text used in <plugin> or manifest for provider-name
In MANIFEST.MF, the provider name becomes the Bundle-Vendor value. The default value is mif2go.com.
To specify the version of the product your Eclipse Help content is about (not to be confused with the Eclipse version):
; PluginVer = text used in <plugin> or manifest for version attribute
In MANIFEST.MF, this version number becomes the Bundle-Version value. The default value of PluginVer is 1.0.
> 12 Generating Eclipse Help > 12.3 Configuring Eclipse Help manifest files > 12.3.2 Specifying Eclipse Help plug-in properties