Creating special paragraph formats to name output files
A way to assign file names that is slightly less hazardous than using titles, but still unsafe, is to specify a special paragraph format to hold the names. If paragraphs in this format are used solely for naming files, most likely you do not want them to actually appear in the output. To prevent their appearance, specify the Delete property:
Insert a new paragraph with format ParaFmt anywhere after a split heading and before the next split point. Although the element paragraph whose format you designated can be anywhere in the split file, usually you would put it right after the heading that starts the split. Mif2Go uses the content of that paragraph as the base part of the file name. The Delete property removes the paragraph from the HTML output (see §21.3.12 Eliminating unwanted paragraphs); you can use conditional text to remove it from your FrameMaker print version.
For example, to supply your own names for all the HTML topic files to be generated from your FrameMaker document, you could do the following:
1. Create and catalog a FrameMaker paragraph format (for example, Splitname).
2. Place a Splitname paragraph in each portion of your FrameMaker document that will become a separate HTML topic file.
3. Make the contents of each Splitname paragraph the base file name you want for that particular topic.
4. Make all Splitname paragraphs conditional, so they do not show up in print versions of your FrameMaker document.
5. Specify the following setting:
> 34 Automating Mif2Go conversions > 34.8 Renaming output files for automated systems > 34.8.4 Using paragraph formats to name output files > Creating special paragraph formats to name output files