34.8.4 Using paragraph formats to name output files
According to Mif2Go developers, naming output files using paragraph content is a Very Bad Idea. You are almost certain to have name conflicts that result in Mif2Go overwriting one file with another, and you will not know it happened until users complain.
However, at your peril, you can assign file names based on the content of paragraphs: either existing paragraphs (usually heading paragraphs whose formats designate split points), or paragraphs in a special format that you dedicate to this purpose.
To help ensure uniqueness of file names, you can also specify a fixed or variable file-name prefix or suffix, or both.
§ Constructing file names based on paragraph content
§ Including FrameMaker variables in output file names
§ Basing output file names on existing paragraph formats
§ Creating special paragraph formats to name output files
§ Specifying a file-name prefix or suffix
§ Constructing file names from multiple paragraph formats
§ Preventing duplicate file names based on paragraph formats
> 34 Automating Mif2Go conversions > 34.8 Renaming output files for automated systems > 34.8.4 Using paragraph formats to name output files