Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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2 Planning a conversion project > 2.5 Preparing documents for conversion > 2.5.3 Replacing embedded graphics with referenced graphics

2.5.3 Replacing embedded graphics with referenced graphics

Mif2Go can export embedded graphics from your FrameMaker document.

Referenced graphics are preferable

If your document contains many images that were imported into FrameMaker by copying instead of by reference, you might want to consider using Mif2Go to export them as graphics files. Then you can re import them as referenced graphics. Referenced graphics do not have to be processed again and again as you fine-tune your Mif2Go conversion settings. Importing graphics into your FrameMaker documents by reference is a good idea anyway, if your document design and workflow permit doing so.

Note:  If the embedded images are embellished in FrameMaker with callouts or other added features, you will have to replace those features for the reimported graphics.

Make sure file names will be unique

Because FrameMaker does not retain the original names of embedded images, each exported file comes out named with the first four letters of the FrameMaker file name followed by an incremental four-digit number; for example, intr0001.gif. To keep all the file names distinct you can change how many letters and digits Mif2Go uses for a name; see § Naming files produced from embedded graphics.

Export and replace

To replace embedded graphics with referenced graphics:

1. Set up Mif2Go for Standard HTML (or any other HTML/XML format); see §3.3 Creating a Mif2Go conversion project.

2. In your starting project configuration file, set the following options:





where n is the number of letters to use in the name of an exported file and m is the number of digits. The default value is 4 for each of these options. See §4.4 Understanding the rules for configuration settings.

3. Run the conversion with default export settings; see §3.6 Converting documents.

4. (Optional) Change the name of each newly exported graphics file to a more reasonable name that helps you recognize the graphic.

5. (Optional) Move the newly exported graphics files to a directory relative to the directory that contains your FrameMaker document.

6. For each embedded graphic in each FrameMaker file in your document:

6.1. Select the image itself (not the frame it is in).

6.2. Use File > Import > File to replace the embedded image with the corresponding graphics file, imported by reference.

For additional information see § Replacing embedded graphics.

2 Planning a conversion project > 2.5 Preparing documents for conversion > 2.5.3 Replacing embedded graphics with referenced graphics