Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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2 Planning a conversion project > 2.5 Preparing documents for conversion > 2.5.4 Setting up cross references to and from text insets

2.5.4 Setting up cross references to and from text insets

The FrameMaker process for updating text insets is like the process for generating contents, index, and other lists: any properties you apply to the container document for the inset (rather than to the inset) are cleared away whenever you update the document. To create persistent cross references, the container document must reference markers instead of paragraphs.

Also, if a text inset references the container document (or another text inset), and you import the text inset into more than one container document, you must create a separate cross-reference pointer in the text inset for each such container document.

Note:  Text-inset referencing is a FrameMaker issue, not a Mif2Go issue. Improperly created text-inset cross references fail in FrameMaker itself, and in any output type, as soon as you update the container document.

In this section:

§ Creating persistent references to text insets

§ Creating persistent references from text insets

§ Creating persistent references between text insets

2 Planning a conversion project > 2.5 Preparing documents for conversion > 2.5.4 Setting up cross references to and from text insets