Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.3 Mapping paragraph formats > 21.3.11 Eliminating invisible paragraphs

21.3.11 Eliminating invisible paragraphs

One way to put “invisible” text into FrameMaker is to make the text white. FrameMaker does not display white text, unless it is against a dark background. You can make Mif2Go ignore white text, so that paragraphs containing only white text are removed entirely.

To omit from HTML output paragraphs that contain only white text:


; HideWhiteText removes any white text (standard FrameMaker behavior)

HideWhiteText = Yes

If your FrameMaker document contains any white text you want to retain, you must set HideWhiteText=No, and get rid of the unwanted instances either by assigning their formats the [HTMLParaStyles]Delete property (see §21.3.12 Eliminating unwanted paragraphs), or by using FrameMaker conditional text, as appropriate.

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.3 Mapping paragraph formats > 21.3.11 Eliminating invisible paragraphs