24.7.2 Removing table-specific tags from selected tables
To strip tags only from selected tables, you can use either of the following methods:
Strip table tags with configuration macros
Strip table tags with Config markers.
Strip table tags with configuration macros
To remove table tags by assigning table macros to a table ID:
TableID = <$$[Tables]StripTable=1>
TableID = <$$[Tables]StripTable=0>
See §24.6.1 Invoking macros around tables and §24.6.4 Turning processing on and off around selected tables.
Strip table tags with Config markers
To remove table tags from individual tables, you can surround each table with Config markers:
See §33.2.8 Overriding fixed-key configuration settings.
> 24 Converting tables to HTML > 24.7 Converting tables to paragraphs > 24.7.2 Removing table-specific tags from selected tables