Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

7 Producing on-line Help > 7.5 Configuring index entries for Help systems > 7.5.8 Specifying index link destinations for HTML-based Help

7.5.8 Specifying index link destinations for HTML-based Help

KeywordRefs applies only when Mif2Go generates index entries for Help systems, based on markers in your FrameMaker document. This setting does not apply when Mif2Go converts an existing FrameMaker index.

To specify where an index-entry link should point:


; KeywordRefs = Keyword (default), File, or Para (at start)

KeywordRefs = Keyword

Selecting an item in the resulting index takes you to one of the locations listed in Table 7-1, depending on the setting you specified for KeywordRefs.

Note:  KeywordRefs applies only when Mif2Go generates index entries for Help systems, based on markers in your FrameMaker document. This setting does not apply when Mif2Go converts an existing FrameMaker index.

Table 7-1 Index link options for KeywordRefs in HTML-based Help


Destination format

Location with respect to index marker



Exact location of the marker; works well when index markers are placed just before the words they reference.



Start of the paragraph containing the marker; use when other index markers occur in the same paragraph.



Start of the file containing the marker; use if all index markers are at the end of their topics; also for WebHelp and for merged HTML Help CHM files.

When you specify KeywordRefs=Keyword or KeywordRefs=Para, Mif2Go generates index link destinations of the following form:


When KeywordRefs=Para, also make sure you use the following (default) setting:



Otherwise, some or all mid-topic targets might be missing from the generated HTML See § Including paragraph references and §19.5.3 Including ObjectID anchors as link targets.

RoboHelp lacks mid-topic index links

RoboHelp does not recognize the mid-topic hash (fragment) identifiers that specify mid-topic index destinations. Therefore, you must use the following setting if you plan to use RoboHelp to generate WebHelp:



As a result, index links always put you at the beginning of the referenced topic in WebHelp.

Merged CHM files cannot use index anchors

When an index entry in HTML Help points to more than one topic, the viewer displays a Topics Found dialog box that lists the topics by name. However, in merged CHM files, if the index entries for a slave file point to anchored locations (topicfile.htm#anchor), the Topics Found dialog box displays the index entry instead of the destination. To avoid this problem, use the following setting:



7 Producing on-line Help > 7.5 Configuring index entries for Help systems > 7.5.8 Specifying index link destinations for HTML-based Help