Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.14 Including CSH targets in DITA XML

15.14 Including CSH targets in DITA XML

If your source document includes context-sensitive help targets that you want to include in DITA output for use in further transformations, make sure those targets are in the form of TopicAlias markers. Mif2Go includes the content of TopicAlias markers in DITA output by default. To exclude that content from DITA output:


; UseTopicAlias = Yes (default, include in DITA output) or No

UseTopicAlias = No

When UseTopicAlias=Yes, Mif2Go processes the content of each TopicAlias marker into the following:

<data name="topicalias" value="IDH_about" />

Each such <data /> element is on a line of its own in the output, placed at the beginning of the next paragraph text (typically the <title>).

This format is similar to the DITA-FMx format, but omits the FrameMaker-specific @datatype. For example, in DITA-FMx the same CSH target looks like this:

<data datatype="fm:marker" name="TopicAlias" value="IDH_about" />

See §7.10.2 Specifying CSH mappings.

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.14 Including CSH targets in DITA XML