Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.13 Marking FrameMaker text insets in DITA

15.13 Marking FrameMaker text insets in DITA

If you reuse FrameMaker text insets extensively, and you do not want to lose this capability when you migrate a document to DITA, you might want text insets to be marked so you can separate them out for further processing. Mif2Go can delimit a FrameMaker text inset in DITA XML output by bracketing the content with <data> elements.

To use <data> elements to mark the start and end of each FrameMaker text inset:


; TextInsetMark = No (default) or Yes (mark text inset start and end,

; using <data> elements to specify FrameMaker source for the inset)

TextInsetMark = Yes

When TextInsetMark=Yes, Mif2Go provides two <data> tags, one at each end of the text-inset content, with attributes as follows.

Starting <data> element:









Ending <data> element:






For the name attribute, each inset Mif2Go encounters gets an incremental value. The name attributes are numbered beginning with inset1 at the start of each FrameMaker container file.

For the href attribute, if the inset came from a FrameMaker file but did not come from the main flow in that file, Mif2Go adds either #B for a body flow or #R for a reference-page flow, followed by the flow tag.

If an inset crosses a topic boundary, the start and end <data> elements will not be in the same topic. Mif2Go does not mark the end of an inset at the end of the topic unless the inset really ends there, by design. It would not make sense to re-start the inset in the next topic, because the inset content in that next topic would not begin at the start of the FrameMaker inset file.

Two consecutive FrameMaker text insets might look like this in DITA XML:

<p><data datatype="text_inset" name="inset2" value="start"

href="insets/" format="fm" scope="external" />

This is the "Beta" inset body-page flow.</p>

<p><data datatype="text_inset" name="inset2" value="end" />

<data datatype="text_inset" name="inset3" value="start"

href="insets/" format="fm" scope="external" />

This is a reference-page flow, "RefInset".</p>

<p><data datatype="text_inset" name="inset3" value="end" />

This is the container paragraph for the two insets.</p>

By default, Mif2Go brackets only top-level text insets with <data> elements; if an inset contains another inset, the nested inset is not bracketed. However, you can instruct Mif2Go to bracket nested text insets.

To use <data> elements to mark the start and end of each nested text inset:


; TextInsetNest = No (default, ignore nested insets)

; or Yes (mark nested insets)

TextInsetNest = Yes

When TextInsetNest=Yes, nested text insets would look like this in DITA XML:

<p>Next we insert an inset which itself contains an inset:</p>

<p><data datatype="text_inset" name="inset5" value="start"

href="insets/" format="fm" scope="external" />

This is the "Alpha" inset body-page flow. In it, we nest this:

<data datatype="text_inset" name="inset6" value="start"

href="insets/" format="fm" scope="external" />

This is the content of the "FM8Issue" nested inset.</p>

<p><data datatype="text_inset" name="inset6" value="end" /></p>

<p><data datatype="text_inset" name="inset5" value="end" />This para

is back in the container. Note the empty para, a result of nesting

an inset at the end of another inset.</p>

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.13 Marking FrameMaker text insets in DITA