Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.4 Configuring DITA elements > 15.4.7 Preserving whitespace in block elements

15.4.7 Preserving whitespace in block elements

To make sure content will be processed with whitespace preserved as it is in your FrameMaker document:


; element name = Yes (default for <codeblock>)

;  or No (default for all other block elements)

codeblock = Yes

When elementname=Yes, Mif2Go processes the element in question with whitespace unchanged from that in FrameMaker, as in HTML <pre> elements (see §21.10 Configuring preformatted text for HTML/XML).

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.4 Configuring DITA elements > 15.4.7 Preserving whitespace in block elements