Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.4 Configuring DITA elements

15.4 Configuring DITA elements

You must ensure that all elements used within the body of a topic are valid for the specified topic type.

In this section:

§15.4.1 Understanding how Mif2Go delimits DITA elements

§15.4.2 Treating FrameMaker format names as DITA element names

§15.4.3 Mapping paragraph formats to DITA block elements

§15.4.4 Mapping character formats to DITA inline elements

§15.4.5 Assigning multiple typographic elements to a format

§15.4.6 Assigning attributes to DITA elements

§15.4.7 Preserving whitespace in block elements

§15.4.8 Including PIs for line, column, or page breaks

§15.4.9 Providing a <shortdesc> element for a DITA topic

§15.4.10 Converting index markers to <indexterm> elements

See also:

§15.6 Converting tables to DITA XML

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.4 Configuring DITA elements