Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.4 Configuring DITA elements > 15.4.3 Mapping paragraph formats to DITA block elements > Assigning DITA elements to FrameMaker paragraph formats Assigning DITA elements to FrameMaker paragraph formats

To map paragraph formats in your document to DITA elements, assign the element name to the format name:


; Frame paragraph format (wildcards OK) = DITA element, can be

;  overridden by a DITATag marker; or Frame format = No.

ParaFmtName = elementname

For example:


Heading* = title

Meta = keyword

Body = p

Example = p

List = sli

Numbered1 = p

Numbered = p

Bulleted = p

DefTerm = dt

DefDescription = dd

ParamTerm = pt

ParamDescription = pd

TableTitle = title

CellHeading = p

CellBody = p

Figure Title = title

Step = cmd

Syntax = p

CellContent = No

GlossItem = glossterm

Default element

The default element for a FrameMaker paragraph format that is not mapped in [DITAParaTags] depends on the value of [DITAOptions]UseFormatAsTag; see §15.4.2 Treating FrameMaker format names as DITA element names.

Do not map to footnote or table elements

Mif2Go processes footnotes and table components separately; do not map any paragraph formats to footnote elements, or to any table component (table, title, row, or cell) elements. See §15.6 Converting tables to DITA XML. If you are using the DITA Open Toolkit, see §15.10.5 Omitting <xref> elements from footnotes.

Do not map to element sets

You can assign element sets in [DITAParents] and in [DITAFirst], but you cannot use them for tags in [DITAParaTags]. See §15.5.5 Specifying alternate ancestries for the same element.

Specify ancestry for list formats

For list formats, if mapping the format to an element is not sufficient to identify the list type, you must also specify the parent of the element; see §15.5.2 Designating DITA ancestor elements. Definition lists can be derived from paragraph pairs, possibly with run-in headings for the term.

Add typographic elements

To add typographic elements (b, i, u, tt, sup, or sub) in addition to the element to which a FrameMaker format is mapped, see §15.4.5 Assigning multiple typographic elements to a format.

Manage forced returns

Forced returns in FrameMaker have no counterpart in DITA XML. Mif2Go replaces each forced return with a space. If you want something else to happen, use a marker to insert a processing instruction where each forced return occurs in your document; see §15.4.8 Including PIs for line, column, or page breaks.

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.4 Configuring DITA elements > 15.4.3 Mapping paragraph formats to DITA block elements > Assigning DITA elements to FrameMaker paragraph formats