Problem Installing

I am running on a mac using parallels. I have frame 9 under window 7. Frame is part of adobe technical communication 2 which change the file menu and the name of most of the folder.
I have difficulties installing in the sense that I cannot control mif2go from frame.
I have few questions:
How does the file menu in frame is supposed to look after Mif2go is installed?
Using chapter 1.3.1 of the manual, how can I verify that it is correct?
Using chapter 1.3.6 what I need to do (I want to start with minimum then I will expand) to the configuration file?

dcl.exe not found

FM10 cannot find DCL.exe

FM10 installed on Windows XP
Professional Version 2002
Service Pack 3

This message is generated in the FM console:
Mif2Go failed for file: C:\SETemplateA4\A4Coverfront.rtf
type 1, code 2, at: Wed Jul 04 18:27:54 2012
Could not run DCL filter or other program.
File not found.

Here are some results from the command prompt:

\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Windows Imaging\;C:\Program Files\Quick

C:\>set omsyshome

'dcl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


usage: dcl [-abx] [-lmp] [-v] [-f format] [-s source] [-t target] [-o output] fi
DCL format: -a ascii, -b binary, -x XDCL
Endianness: -l little-endian (Intel), -m big-endian, -p PDP
Verbosity: -v verbose
Format: -f code, as in -fD for DITA; codes are:
RTF: W Word, 8 Word8 up, P WordPerfect, H WinHelp4, 3 WinHelp3
C OmniHelp, E Eclipse Help, J JavaHelp, O Oracle Help for Java
Source: -s dcl, dcb, dcx, mif, lst, xml
Target: -t dcl, dcb, dcx, rtf, htm, xml
Output: -o .ext, -o \path, or -o \path\file.ext

I have rebooted the system and verified my /FM files against the info in the Mif2Go UG.

I have double-checked all the installation procedures, file location, naming conventions, etc., etc.

Frankly, I'm stumped. Any help will be greatly appreciated.



If the dcl.exe file is really in C:\omsys\common\bin, as appears to be the case, but will not run when invoked elsewhere without its full path, then the problem pretty much has to be the PATH variable. I don't recall if XP has two different PATH settings, one for system and one for user, like Win 7, but if it does, make sure you add the directory to system rather than user.

Another possibility might be that in XP environment variables don't work in the PATH. To check that, try using the explicit directory, C:\omsys\common\bin, instead of %omsyshome%\common\bin. I've seen funny things like that in older MS software, such as VS6, which if you give it a path %name% will create a directory named "%name%".

You definitely do have to reboot after making any change in the environment, including PATH, before it will take effect.

Please let us know what the problem was when you identify it. Thanks!

Installing the plugin files correctly

>I have difficulties installing in the sense that I cannot control mif2go from frame.

That's always because you didn't install the two plugin DLLs in the right place,
per par. 1.3.3, step 4. You need to copy the two DLLs in the m2g\plugin
directory to your frame\fminit\Plugins directory (not frame\plugins).

>I have few questions:
>How does the file menu in frame is supposed to look after Mif2go is installed?

In par. 3.3, you see there are two new items on the menu, Set Up Mif2Go Export,
and Save Using Mif2go. And there is Wash via MIF, a free utility (par. 38.1 and D.2.6).

>Using chapter 1.3.1 of the manual, how can I verify that it is correct?

Open a command-prompt window and type "dcl". You should get a
usage message. If you get a "not found" message, something is wrong.
Note that this is independent of whether the menu items are in Frame.
And you may have to reboot Windows after adding to the PATH for it
to notice the change.

>Using chapter 1.3.6 what I need to do (I want to start with minimum
>then I will expand) to the configuration file?

Depends on what output you are trying to produce; you didn't say.
Word is pretty much out of the box, just set the Word version like


DITA requires lots of configuration, to map from presentational
formats to semantic elements. Other outputs are in between.