I've got a problem with the index generated with my XHTML. All of the index links point to the *first* html file generated from the relevant chapter; these links also include a bookmark (the number after the # sign in the href; is that what you call it?), but these aren't helping since the info I should be linking to is not in that first HTML file.
I have UseFrameIX set to Yes, and I couldn't see any other setting in my ini file that might be relevant.
This did NOT happen last time I generated these files, with the previous version of Mif2Go. ini settings are the same.
Any idea what is going on? Is there some configuration change in the new version I have overlooked?
Links not updated with split file name
It sounds like the links are not being updated to the correct split file names. This still works fine here, as always. The problem can occur if the .ref files are not in the output dir; they are required for that update. Make sure there is
a .ref file for every chapter in there, and that you are not deleting .ref files from the output dir. Also make sure the output dir is on a local drive, not a network drive, as there can be latency issues that prevent accessing the .refs on a network. (There aren't always such issues, on a fast network, but they can start at any time.)
If that doesn't clear up the problem, we'll need a small test case showing it, with your .book, .fm, .mif (VERY important!), all .inis (including any you've modified in the local omsyshome tree), and all outputs including the log, so we can try to reproduce the problem here.
Links not updated sample files
I've prepared a sample project illustrating the index problem, and one other problem I noticed.
For rendering code samples, I've created a set of FrameMaker paragraph formats that use spaces instead of tabs for the correct indent, since tabs of course don't translate in HTML.
For any of these formats that begin with more than 16 spaces, I am getting a series of three other characters instead of the remaining spaces. I saw at least three different sets of
characters, but these *always* occurred after the 16th space:
(In the preview these are rendering as the symbol instead of the HTML code; if you can't see the code let me know and I'll send by email.)
The sample demonstrates this issue as well.
I've placed the zip file containing the sample in my dropbox Mif2Go folder; I think you should get an email with a link? but let me know if you don't: kdallaire@amdocs.com
Thanks --
Kyle Dallaire
Links not updated with split file name
Thanks for the quick response; I do have the .ref files, and everything is done locally, so those are not the issue.
I will come up with a test case and send it along, but it will take me a couple days.