I am a Mac person and don't know Windows. I use a virtual Windows 7 machine via Parallels. I'm trying to convert to HTML. I copied the _m2html.ini file to my project folder. The FM file I'm using is "5financialsupport.fm". I'm running FM 11.
Error message:
"Mif2Go failed for file: \\psf\Host\ Projects\SOC W14\Conversion Tests-M2G\5financialsupport.htm
type 1, code 2, at: Mon Oct 07 14:31:53 2013
Could not run DCL filter or other program.
File not found."
What do I need to do?
Set PATH environment variable
Looks like you failed to include the path to the %omsyshome&\common\bin folder in the SYSTEM PATH environment variable in Windows. You do that from the Windows Control panel | System and security | System, in the left menu pick Advanced system settings, in the new dialog press the Environment Variables button, in the System variables part doubleclick on Path, and add the actual path where you installed, per par. 1.3.4, "Make Omni Systems executables accessible". That's the only reason for that error.