8.9.8 Specifying jumps to external files
Mif2Go produces links to external sources from hypertext markers in your document that contain the following types of hypertext “message” commands:
When a message openfile link specifies an absolute path (which must start with a drive letter), Mif2Go removes any “file:///” URL prefix to the path, which is not needed in RTF. For example:
message openfile file:///g:/omnisys/ug/out/ugmif2go.pdf
Hypertext “message” commands are implemented in WinHelp with the !EF macro; see §8.10.1 Using a hypertext marker to invoke a macro.
To insert message URL and message openfile markers, see §34.1.2 Using markers to add links and instructions.
> 8 Generating WinHelp > 8.9 Creating jumps and pop-ups for WinHelp > 8.9.8 Specifying jumps to external files