18.7.2 Customizing title text for extracts
In the [ExtrTitle] section you can assign text for the extract title to the ExtrStart format or ExtrStart marker, whichever you used to designate the start of the extract:
; doc format = text for title of the extract file, which may use
; macros, including <$$_currtitle> which has the title of the parent
; file. This is ignored if the Title is set for any para in the
ExtractStartPara=Title for extract file
Predefined macro variable <$$_currtitle> is the <title> string of the file that originally contained the extracted text; see §18.6 Referencing split and extract files on page 600.
For example, suppose your FrameMaker document contains a paragraph format that always marks the start of an extract; for example ProcedureStart; and suppose you want each such extract to have a title that includes the title of the file from which it was extracted. You could achieve this effect with the following setting:
ProcedureStart=<$$_currtitle>: Procedure
If the original file’s <title> string was “Setting up a customer account”, the extract file’s <title> section would be:
<title>Setting up a customer account: Procedure</title>
Note: If you assign [HTMLParaStyles] property Title to a paragraph format in the extract, the content of that paragraph overrides anything you specify in [ExtrTitle].
> 18 Splitting and extracting files > 18.7 Customizing and replacing extracts > 18.7.2 Customizing title text for extracts