18.5.3 Using special sections to insert code in extracts
You can assign HTML code (including macros) to the [HTMLParaStyles]ExtrStart format or ExtrStart marker (whichever you used to designate the start of the extract) to be invoked in the following sections:
; starting format = HTML code for the head of the extract file
; starting format = HTML code for the top of the extract body
; starting format = HTML code for the bottom of the extract body
These sections correspond to [Inserts] keywords ExtrHead, ExtrTop, and Extrbottom; and to marker types ExtrHead, ExtrTop, and Extrbottom; and are used for the same purposes. A marker type overrides a [Extr*] section of the same name, and an [Extr*] section overrides an [Inserts] keyword of the same name; see §18.5.1 Choosing how to insert code in extracts.
For examples, see §18.7.4 Specifying extracts: an example.
> 18 Splitting and extracting files > 18.5 Inserting HTML code in split and extract files > 18.5.3 Using special sections to insert code in extracts