Assigning a computed title
If titles for your HTML pages can be determined based on the value of a macro variable, or on values obtained by expanding a macro, you can assign the macro or macro variable to the [HTMLOptions]Title keyword.
For example, to provide a page title that consists of the FrameMaker source file name followed by an integer that increments for each HTML file generated:
<$$_basefile><$$PgNumber++ as %-0.3d>
Any other title specification overrides a computed [HTMLOptions]Title value.
§28.1 Defining and invoking macros
§28.3.3 Incrementing and decrementing macro variables
§28.6.3 Displaying expression results in output
> 18 Splitting and extracting files > 18.4 Identifying split and extract files > 18.4.2 Specifying page titles for split or extract files > Assigning a computed title