Assigning a title with a marker
You can insert a FrameMaker marker of type Title in the first paragraph of a split or extract, and supply the text of the title as the marker content. To use this method you must add custom marker type Title to your FrameMaker document. The content of the marker becomes the page title of the split or extract file. You can use macros and macro variables in the marker content.
As an alternative, you can add the Title property to a different marker type: for example, custom marker type Split (see §18.2.1 Designating split points), or custom marker type ExtrStart; and specify the title as the content. See §29 Working with FrameMaker markers for more information.
> 18 Splitting and extracting files > 18.4 Identifying split and extract files > 18.4.2 Specifying page titles for split or extract files > Assigning a title with a marker