Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

36 Converting via runfm > 36.1 Designing a project for unattended operation

36.1 Designing a project for unattended operation

You can design a Mif2Go project that uses all of the following:

system commands to check files out of source control before conversion

post-processing settings to assemble, compile, and archive after conversion

system commands to check files back into source control

additional system commands to handle any other post-processing steps.

When you use runfm to operate Mif2Go from outside FrameMaker, the entire conversion project (or multiple conversion projects), as well as document printing, can be accomplished via unattended operation, including scheduled operation and remote operation. You can invoke runfm from a .bat file, or from the Windows Control Panel via Scheduled Tasks, so you can use runfm to run multiple conversion projects overnight; see §36.5.6 Running a series of Mif2Go conversions.

Note:  You must have Mif2Go installed to use runfm.

See also:

§34 Automating Mif2Go conversions

§35 Producing deliverable results

36 Converting via runfm > 36.1 Designing a project for unattended operation