Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.7 Converting paragraph and character formats > 6.7.6 Converting bulleted formats

6.7.6 Converting bulleted formats

Bulleted lists in FrameMaker should convert to their RTF equivalents without a problem, except in the following circumstance:

You are converting to Word 97.

The FrameMaker format name for a bulleted paragraph starts with the word “bullet” followed by a space.

When a Word style has a name that starts with “bullet ”, Word 97 helpfully supplies a bullet as a prefix; the result is two bullets in front of each item. The problem does not occur in later versions of Word, and does not affect format names such as Bulleted.

If the RTF files you produce will be viewed in Word 97, you can rename the problem formats in the configuration file. For example:


Bullet Open=Bull Open

Bullet Sq=Bull Sq

Bullet Sq Indent=Bull Sq Indent

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.7 Converting paragraph and character formats > 6.7.6 Converting bulleted formats