Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

3 Converting a book or document > 3.7 Choosing final conversion options > 3.7.4 Figuring out graphics export options > Using original referenced graphics for HTML Using original referenced graphics for HTML

For referenced graphics, checking Use original graphic names in the Mif2Go Export dialog directs Mif2Go to use, wherever possible, the original external graphics file instead of any file created from the graphic by FrameMaker export filters; that is, for any graphic that is alone in its anchored frame, without FrameMaker-added elements. The resulting <img src=...> tag does the following:

References the original file name of the graphic (possibly modified for path and extension by other configuration settings; see §31.3 Replacing and relocating graphics files).

Uses the FrameMaker-determined size of the original referenced image as opposed to the size of the enclosing anchored frame (to preserve scale, possibly modified by other configuration settings; see §23.9 Scaling images for HTML).

You might want to check this option if your conversion project has the following characteristics:

Output type is HTML (HTML, XHTML, XML, or HTML-based help).

At least some of the graphics in your document are all of the following:


referenced (not embedded in the document), or:

already exported to external files (see §31.2.3 Exporting and converting embedded graphics)


in a suitable format (such as JPEG, GIF, or PNG), or:

replaced by alternate files you specified via configuration-file settings, where the replacements have the same base file names as the originals

alone in their anchored frames (no callouts, text lines, or other images).

If you choose Write for anchored frames and check Use original graphic names in the Mif2Go Export dialog, you get the best of both worlds: Mif2Go uses original (or replaced) external graphics wherever possible, and also uses FrameMaker export filters to convert graphics for which there is no external name (FrameMaker native graphics, embedded graphics, and reference-page graphics).

Note:  If an image is not the same size as the enclosing anchored frames, the size used when you check Use original graphic names is that of the image, not of the frame, to avoid distorting the image.

See also:

§23.4.1 Using referenced graphics without converting

§23.4.4 Using referenced, embedded, and compound graphics

§31.3.1 Changing graphics files for HTML output

3 Converting a book or document > 3.7 Choosing final conversion options > 3.7.4 Figuring out graphics export options > Using original referenced graphics for HTML