Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.11 Setting up CSH for OmniHelp > 10.11.3 Using redirect pages for OmniHelp CSH calls

10.11.3 Using redirect pages for OmniHelp CSH calls

If your application has trouble passing a topic-specific URL to the operating system (and then to the default browser), try creating a redirect page for each CSH target topic. A redirect page has content like this:


"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


<html lang="en">

<head><title>Topic title</title>

<meta http-equiv="refresh"




In this example, IDH_contextID is the content of a newlink marker in the target topic. You need one little file like this for every CSH entry point. This is not necessarily a bad thing; redirect files allow you to use a constant set of names in the calling program, even if the names change in the Help. Notice the three forward slashes in the file reference:


For example:


If you do not know the absolute path on the system where OmniHelp will be deployed, but you are able to place redirect files in the same directory as the OmniHelp output files (and invoke OmniHelp from that directory), you could use the following for the url value:


Relative paths would work like this:


You could use a file name (file.htm) after the hash mark, with the same result; see §10.11.2 Referencing OmniHelp topic IDs from an application.

10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.11 Setting up CSH for OmniHelp > 10.11.3 Using redirect pages for OmniHelp CSH calls