Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.10 Configuring full-text search for OmniHelp > 10.10.9 Highlighting search terms found in topics

10.10.9 Highlighting search terms found in topics

When you click a link in the OmniHelp search results list, by default each term found in the target topic is highlighted in yellow.

To turn off search-term highlighting, or change the style:


; UseSearchHighlight = Yes (default, highlight search terms found)

;  or No


; SearchHighlightStyle = style to use in span to highlight search

;  terms found


The highlighting style consists of one or more CSS property:value pairs, each followed by a semicolon. Consult a CSS reference for possible styles.

10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.10 Configuring full-text search for OmniHelp > 10.10.9 Highlighting search terms found in topics