Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.5 Customizing OmniHelp display features > 10.5.3 Modifying OmniHelp navigation aids

10.5.3 Modifying OmniHelp navigation aids

To determine which navigation buttons are displayed in the top navigation pane:


; These settings control what buttons are added to the top nav pane

; UseTopButtons = Yes (default, use buttons) or No (use links instead)


; UseStart = Yes (default, provide Start button) or No


; UsePrevNext = Yes (default, provide Prev and Next buttons) or No


; UseBackForward = Yes (default, provide Back and Fwd buttons) or No


; UseHideShow = Yes (default, provide buttons to hide and show

;  the left-side nav pane as in MS HTML Help) or No


To hide the left-hand navigation pane when OmniHelp starts:


; ShowNavLeft = Yes (default, open with nav pane visible on left)

;  or No


To remove the List button from the left-hand navigation pane:


; UseListButton = Yes (default) or No (remove from Search panel)


If you include Prev/Next buttons, make sure your TOC does not use mid-topic links, or the Prev and Next buttons will not work correctly. TOC-level topics should be in their own files. Clicking a mid-topic link in the TOC works as expected, but the Prev and Next buttons do not; for example, Prev takes you back to the previous actual file rather than to the previous item listed in the TOC. This can confuse your users.

10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.5 Customizing OmniHelp display features > 10.5.3 Modifying OmniHelp navigation aids