Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.2 Setting up OmniHelp viewer control files > 10.2.1 Choosing XHTML vs. HTML OmniHelp control files

10.2.1 Choosing XHTML vs. HTML OmniHelp control files

Your Mif2Go distribution includes two sets of control files: one for HTML, one for XHTML. Which one you use depends on the start-up file type you select. The choice between XHTML and HTML for OmniHelp is usually a matter of personal preference or company policy. However, some older browsers might not display XHTML as well as HTML.

To specify XHTML 1.0 instead of HTML 4.01 for the OmniHelp project start-up file:


; OHProjFileXhtml = No (default, to make project file HTML 4.01

;  as required by some browsers), or Yes (to make the project file

;  XHTML 1.0)


When OHProjFileXhtml=Yes, XHTML versions of several OmniHelp viewer control files are needed instead of HTML files. The names of these files begin with ox instead of oh; see Table 10-1.

Note:  The value of OHProjFileXhtml determines the default value of OHViewPath; see §10.13 Assembling OmniHelp files for viewing.

10 Generating OmniHelp > 10.2 Setting up OmniHelp viewer control files > 10.2.1 Choosing XHTML vs. HTML OmniHelp control files