Providing HTML code for each local-TOC entry
You can specify the HTML code to use for local-TOC entries. You can include the following predefined macro variables:
These macro variables are effective only when Mif2Go produces a local TOC; in any other context they would appear literally, as is usual for undefined macro variables.
Mif2Go uses the following default code if you do not specify another value:
; LocalTOCItem = code for each <$_localtoc> item
LocalTOCItem=<p class="localtocitem">\
<a href="<$$_loctocfile>"><$$_loctoctitle></a></p>
However, if you specify multiple-level local TOCs, the default is different; see § Producing multiple-level local TOCs.
The content displayed in a local-TOC item excludes any prefix or suffix value assigned via [StyleTitlePrefix] or [StyleTitleSuffix] (see § Specifying a title prefix or suffix).
Note: For these macros to take effect, you must enable local TOCs; see §20.3.1 Directing Mif2Go to generate local TOCs.
> 20 Providing navigation in HTML > 20.3 Including local TOCs > 20.3.2 Configuring local TOCs > Providing HTML code for each local-TOC entry